“Yoga” or “Yog” is a Sanskrit word which derives its origin from the root word “Yuj”. It has two main meanings—union (yujyati) and concentration (samadhau). In the sense of union, it means to combine, connect or join together the individual soul with the universal soul. The second sense of concentration means complete control over one’s senses and reach the state of pure awareness(Samadhi). It is one of the six great philosophies (shad darshans) of India. It is an ancient system of philosophy, lifestyle and techniques that helps in evolving the whole personality of a person.

yoga-importance-image4Ahirbudhyana samhita is an ancient scripture which defines yoga for the first time. It defines yoga as samyoga yoga itiyukto jivàtma paramãtmanah—Yoga is the union of the individual self (jivàtma) with the universal self (paramãtma).
A great sage Patanjali defines yoga as’’ yogaha chitta vritti nirodhah’’ which means the stoppage of all mental modifications. These modifications of the mind or chitta are called vrittis. In other words yoga is a mental discipline for keeping the fluctuations of thoughts under control, so that the consciousness (citta)is kept in a constant and stable state(stambha vritti).
In bhagwada geeta yoga is defined as samatvam yoga uchyate which means that yoga is a state of perfect balance or equanimity. A person practicing yoga remains at peace under all circumstances.
Yoga is also defined as yoga karmasu kaushalam which means yoga is skill in action. Yoga means union or integration of human personality.


The different paths of yoga are based on different concepts and are reached by various methods. All of the different types of yoga lead to the same goal, that of self-realization. Our gross body which is the seat of the soul realizes its true identity by the practice of yoga.
Practice of yoga brings about a change in our life style and a complete transformation in our overall personality. It increases the longevity of our life.
The science of yoga is about training and transformation of mind and all other aspects of man. It helps the human being to go beyond the qualities of nature and experience perfect bliss.
The basic principle of yoga in our life is religious freedom and constant peace. Yoga is a universal dharma.
Yoga is not related to any particular religion. It is the cause of spirituality and timeless wisdom, the basis of all religions. Yoga is beyond all religions and shows the way to unity.
For more details on yoga kindly refer the following texts:-
Patanjali Yoga Sutras
Bhagwad Gita
Hatha Yoga Pradipika